
Pippo Delbono / Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione
Sat 12.02.2022 and Sun 13.02.2022
  • 12.02.2022
    20:00 - 21:10
    KVS, Brussels
    Past event
  • 13.02.2022
    15:00 - 16:10
    KVS, Brussels
    Past event

After the acclaimed creations Vangelo and La Gioia, KVS brings Pippo Delbono back to Brussels, this time with his latest creation Amore. Anyone who has ever witnessed one of his completely unique, loving and punk performances will understand why.

How do you bring something as delicate and all-encompassing as Love to the theatre? Pippo Delbono makes a brave attempt in Amore. He uses Portugal as his starting point for this effort: a country steeped in imagery of intense melancholy. A country that carries a subtle softness in its language and music, which you can’t help but understand as a form of respect for the frightful feeling that love can be.
Delbono is horrified at the reigning approach to the coronavirus pandemic, which swept away the most intimate and personal moments. Case numbers seemed more important than the depths of despair: so many people had to make their final journey alone, without the arms of their loved ones around them, without the warm embrace of love. In Amore, the director tries to name love once again, to dreamily call it back and reinstate its rightful place in our discourse. 
After all that has happened, let us start again from here, from this constant state of research, and let us continue with more Love. Without it, we will be back to square one, and this horrific time will have taught us nothing. Let us instead return to our lives with a renewed consciousness. Let us return to a time when the word had its own meaning, to a moment and a place when we loved one another, and let us talk of Love with the nostalgia of fado – all to chase away the overpowering presence of death.” – Pippo Delbono
Pippo Delbono gathered together his trusty group of travel companions again for Amore, but he also invited them to encounters with others in Portugal. He introduces them and you to these crossroads of traditions, cross-pollinations, the ultimate place for métissage, filled with hospitality and openness. 


MET / AVEC / WITH Dolly Albertin, Gianluca Ballarè, Margherita Clemente, Pippo Delbono, Ilaria Distante, Aline Frazão, Mario Intruglio, Pedro Jóia, Nelson Lariccia, Gianni Parenti, Miguel Ramos, Pepe Robledo, Grazia Spinella ORIGINELE MUZIEK / MUSIQUE ORIGINALE / ORIGINAL MUSIC Pedro Joia et de compositeurs variés ARTISTIEK MEDEWERKERS / EMPLOYÉS ARTISTIQUES / ARTISTIC EMPLOYEES Joana Villaverde (set/décor), Elena Giampaoli (kostuums/costumes), Orlando Bolognesi (licht/lumières/lumière), Tiago Bartolomeu Costa (conseiller littéraire) Pietro Tirella (geluid/son/sound), chef machinist Enrico Zucchelli VERANTWOORDELIJKE PROJECT IN PORTUGAL / RESPONSABLE PROJET À PORTUGAL / PROJECT MANAGER IN PORTUGAL Renzo Barsotti PRODUCTIELEIDING / DIRECTEUR DE PRODUCTION / PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Alessandra Vinanti ORGANISATIE / ORGANISATION Silvia Cassanelli ZAKELIJK LEIDER / DIRECTEUR ADMINISTRATIF / GENERAL MANAGER Davide Martini TECHNISCH DIRECTEUR / DIRECTEUR TECHNIQUE / TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Fabio Sajiz TECHNISCH TEAM OP TOURNEE / ÉQUIPE TECHNIQUE EN TOURNÉE / TECHNICAL TEAM ON TOURS Pietro Tirella/Giulio Antognini (geluid/son/sound), Elena Giampaoli (kostuums/costumes), Orlando Bolognesi/Alejandro Zamora (licht/lumière/lighting), Enrico Zucchelli/Mattia Manna (set/décor) VRIJWILLIG ASSISTENT IN PORTUGAL / ASSISTANTE VOLONTAIRE EN PORTUGAL / VOLONTARY ASSISTANT IN PORTUGAL Susana Silverio VERTALING BOVENTITELING / TRADUCTION SURTITRAGE / TRANSLATION SUBTITLING Marie Galey UITVOEREND PRODUCENT / PRODUCTEUR EXÉCUTIF / EXECUTIVE PRODUCER ERT Emilia Romagna Teatro (Italy) GEASSOCIEERD COPRODUCENT / COPRODUCTEUR ASSOCIÉ / ASSOCIATE COPRODUCER São Luiz Teatro Municipal - Lisbonne, Pirilampo Artes Lda, Câmara Municipal de Setúbal, Rota Clandestina, República Portuguesa – Cultura / Direção-Geral das Artes (Portugal), Fondazione Teatro Metastasio di Prato (Italie). COPRODUCTIE / COPRODUCTION Teatro Coliseo, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Buenos Aires et ItaliaXXI – Buenos Aires (Argentine), Comédie de Genève (Suisse), Théâtre de Liège (Belgique), Les 2 Scènes - Scène Nationale de Besançon (France), KVS Bruxelles (Belgique), Sibiu International Theatre Festival/Radu Stanca National Theater (Romania). MET DE STEUN VAN / AVEC LE SOUTIEN DE / WITH THE SUPPORT OF Ministero della Cultura (Italie) FOTO / PHOTO Luca Del Pia, Estelle Valente Teatro São Luiz