Our mission

KVS is Brussels’ Flemish city theatre. Our unique position in the capital of Flanders, Belgium and Europe is the alpha and omega of our operations.

KVS aims to reinterpret the repertoire in relation to the city that is more than ever the whole world. KVS embraces the city and its plurality and intends to amplify its artistic voice in the arts field. KVS thus sees interculturality on and around the stage not as an assignment or a challenge, but as a logical principle. As is a strong presence in Flanders and internationally.

KVS has an open ensemble of theatre-makers, performers, directors, choreographers and authors. At KVS, they develop both their own personal work and shared projects, plus cross-pollination over periods of years.

We intend to be a place of mental and physical encounter, an urban artery running from tradition to the future.

On the basis of an inclusive view of what art is capable of, we aim to be an intercultural, inter-generational and open-gender city theatre that resonates far beyond Brussels.

KVS adopts the Juist is Juist principles and agreements completely.