PARCOURS: Rethinking Histories
What is our past? How do we view our own stories? Can we find a way to rewrite history? Which stories stopped being told over time? In these creations, the makers offer a new, fresh view of small and large events in history, in an attempt to better understand our contemporary society.
Shows in this selection
23.04.202520:30 - 21:40
18.05.202515:00 - 16:30KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
19.05.202514:00 - 15:30KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
20.05.202519:00 - 20:30KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
21.05.202520:00 - 21:30KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
24.05.202521:00 - 22:30Theater Rotterdam
25.05.202517:00 - 18:30Theater Rotterdam
12.06.202519:00 - 20:30TNC, BarcelonaSala Gran
13.06.202519:00 - 20:30TNC, BarcelonaSala Gran
14.06.202519:00 - 20:30TNC, BarcelonaSala Gran
15.06.202518:00 - 19:30TNC, BarcelonaSala Gran
11.09.202420:00 - 21:30KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
12.09.202420:00 - 21:30KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
13.09.202420:00 - 21:30KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
14.09.202420:00 - 21:30KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
11.06.202520:00 - 21:00KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
12.06.202520:00 - 21:00KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
14.03.202520:30 - 22:15KVS, BrusselsKVS BOX
15.03.202520:30 - 22:15KVS, BrusselsKVS BOX
27.11.202420:30 - 21:30KVS, BrusselsKVS BOX
28.11.202420:30 - 21:30KVS, BrusselsKVS BOX
29.11.202420:30 - 21:30KVS, BrusselsKVS BOX
16.01.202420:00 - 21:15TRY-OUTKVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
17.01.202420:00 - 21:15TRY-OUTKVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
18.01.202420:00 - 21:15TRY-OUTKVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
19.01.202420:00 - 21:15PREMIEREKVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
20.01.202420:00 - 21:15KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
25.01.202420:00 - 21:15KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
26.01.202420:00 - 21:15KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
27.01.202420:00 - 21:15KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
28.01.202415:00 - 16:15KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
30.01.202419:00 - 20:15KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
31.01.202420:00 - 21:15KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
03.10.202420:15 - 21:30Cultuurhuis de Warande, TurnhoutSchouwburg
04.10.202420:00 - 21:15CC De Schakel, WaregemSchouwburg
05.10.202420:00 - 21:15CC Leietheater, Deinze
17.10.202420:00 - 21:15Cultuurcentrum de Brouckere, TorhoutTheaterzaal
18.10.202420:15 - 21:30CC Het Perron, IeperHet Perron - Theaterzaal
19.10.202420:00 - 21:15Vrijetijdscentrum De Meermin, Waasmunster
01.11.202420:00 - 21:15De Spil, RoeselareSchouwburg
05.11.202420:15 - 21:30CC Maasmechelen, MaasmechelenDe Schouwburg
06.11.202420:00 - 21:15CC De Werf, AalstSchouwburg
08.11.202420:15 - 21:30CC De Kern, Wilrijk
13.11.202420:00 - 21:15KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
14.11.202420:00 - 21:15KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
15.11.202420:00 - 21:15KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
16.11.202420:00 - 21:15KVS, BrusselsKVS BOL
09.12.202420:00 - 21:15Internationaal Theater, Amsterdam
19.12.202420:15 - 21:30CC De Meent
15.01.202520:00 - 21:15Het Gasthuis, AarschotTheaterzaal
22.01.202520:00 - 21:15KVS, BlankenbergeSaveryszaal