Michael De Cock & Junior Mthombeni / KVS
Sun 18.05.2025 - Sun 15.06.2025

Directors Junior Mthombeni and Michael De Cock unite a megacast bursting with talent and contemporary music producers giving Dido and Aeneas by baroque composer Henry Purcell a turn. Grand, generous and groundbreaking. 

Classical live musicians and artists reinterpret Purcell.  Together they bring the story of Hannibal, the Punic wars, and the birth of Europe. In the third century B.C., the Carthaginian commander Hannibal Barca started his vertiginous journey: he led his troops through Spain, France, and Italy, in a quest that shook the Roman empire’s very foundations. Hannibal ad portas!

The Punic wars, a metaphor for all the wars that are being fought today in an ever-changing, terrifying world. Hannibal offers a lens through which we can explore the confrontation between old and new. The traditional European culture is, according to some, under pressure from the hyper-diverse modern Europe. The idea that barbarians are once again at the gates, ready to erase our European history – however absurd – appears to rear its head again. That is why Hannibal, using a unique synergy between opera and slam, contemporary dance and acting, offers a window through which to view the past, present and future of Europe. The creators use the opera Dido and Aeneas as their point of departure, a work set against the backdrop of the mythical origins of the conflict between Europe and North Africa.

In Hannibal, artists from Africa and Europe combine contemporary video and projection techniques with traditional live painting and acoustic instruments. Performed by many, following a shared heartbeat. Featuring mezzosoprano Raphaële Green, singer Gala Dragot, harpist Jutta Troch, actors Marios Bellas and Alix Konadu, dancer Zach Swagga, visual artist Elke Gijsemans, Justine Bourgeus (Tsar B), Abel Baeck (NO LABEL) and many others.  Several of the artists are part of the SOCHA collective, a project by Junior Mthombeni. The artists are accompanied by the Cassandra Choir, the engaged amateur choir of La Monnaie, conducted by Laurence Renson, as well as the choir of Madam Fortuna, a participatory arts organisation based in Antwerp. 


This performance mainly offers standing room. The number of seats is limited. If you need a seat for medical reasons, please arrive at KVS BOL at least half an hour in advance. Our reception staff will then assign you a seat.


fake blood, loud music, stroboscope. 



Evening programme





regie | mise en scène | direction JUNIOR MTHOMBENI & MICHAEL DE COCK dramaturgie | dramaturgy GERARDO SALINAS muzikale dramaturgie | dramaturgie musicale | musical dramaturgy TOM SWAAK met | avec | with VIANNEY ADRIAENS, KIREZI KALISA, DORA ALMELEH, MOHA AMAZIAN, PIERRE ANGANDA, ABEL BAECK, MIRKO BANOVIC, MARIOS BELLAS, JUSTINE BOURGEUS, IBRAHIMA CISSOKHO, GALA DRAGOT, RAPHAËLE GREEN, AMINA IDDRISU, TONIC MENDI JACOBS, TOM KESTENS, ALIX KONADU, AYMARÁ PAROLA, EMMA POSMAN, ZACH SWAGGA, BAHAR TEMIZ, JUTTA TROCH scenografie | scénographie | set design STEF STESSEL lichtontwerp | conception de lumière | light design DIMI STUYVEN kostuumontwerp | conception de costumes | costume design MARIE SZERSNOVICZ video-ontwerp | design vidéo | video design FRANCESC ISERN schilderij | peinture | painting ELKE GIJSEMANS bewegingsregie | mise en scène mouvement | movement direction ALESANDRA SEUTIN bewegingscoach | coach de mouvement | mouvement coach LISI ESTARAS productieleiding | directeur·rice de production | production manager CATHERINE VERVAECKE & ROBIN HECTORS toneelmeester | regie de plateau | stage manager CAROLINE WAGNER geluid | son | sound BRAM MORIAU & KASPER DUMON licht | lumières | light DIMI STUYVEN video THIBAUD DECOENE boventiteling | surtitrage | surtitling INGE FLORÉ vertalingen Trevor Perri, Anne Vanderschueren, Alex Stockman kostuumatelier / atelier costumes / costume workshop THEATRE DE LIEGE, CiLAB productie | production KVS coproductie | coproduction OPERA BALLET VLAANDEREN, DE MUNT / LA MONNAIE, THEATRE DE LIEGE, TNC, COMPAGNIE DU THEATRE NATIONAL DANIEL SORANO, MADAME FORTUNA, PERPODIUM met speciale dank aan / avec des remerciements particuliers à / with special thanks to THEATER ARSENAAL met de steun van | avec le soutien de | with the support THE BELGIAN FEDERAL GOVERNMENT VIA CRONOS INVEST, THE EUROPEAN UNION (HORIZON 2020 PROGRAMME)