Jonathan (NL)

Bruno Vanden Broecke & Valentijn Dhaenens / KVS
Mon 26.07.2021 - Thu 11.04.2024

Jonathan promises to be a bizarre, poetic piece – an evening full of wonder and doubt about what it means to be human and to deal with surprises and disappointments. 

Jonathan is the name of a palliative care robot developed by an Artificial Intelligence team. When the spread of Covid-19 necessitates a lockdown of care homes, the team decide to expedite Jonathan’s release. This means that some of the elderly are able to receive the right care without fear of contracting the virus.  

The performance takes place in KVS BOL, the site of clashes between love and forgiveness, destruction and renewal. But something magical happens too: the passing of Claudine, mother, part of the species Homo Sapiens and stricken by Covid-19, signals the birth of Jonathan, her dedicated, artificially intelligent carer.

Welcoming you into this someone’s land are two KVS faces: Bruno Vanden Broecke and Valentijn Dhaenens. Twenty years ago they gave life to their company, SkaGeN; now they join forces once more to create this brand new piece, in which they also perform. 


Valentijn Dhaenens

Bruno Vanden Broecke


TEKST & SPEL / TEXTE & JEU / TEXT & PLAY Bruno Vanden Broecke & Valentijn Dhaenens STEM VAN CLAUDINE / LA VOIX DE CLAUDINE / VOICE OF CLAUDINE Gilda De Bal, Anne-Marie Loop GELUID / SON / SOUND Bram Moriau LICHT / LUMIÈRES / LIGHTING Geert Drobé KOSTUUM / COSTUME Heidi Ehrhart VERTALING / TRADUCTION / TRANSLATION Anne Vanderschueren (FR), Trevor Perri (EN) BOVENTITELING / SURTITRAGE / SURTITLING Inge Floré PRODUCTIELEIDING / DIRECTEUR DE PRODUCTION / PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Lieven Symaeys SPREIDING & TOURMANAGEMENT / DISTRIBUTION & DIRECTRICE DE TOURNÉE / DISTRIBUTION & TOUR DIRECTION Saskia Liénard PRODUCTIE / PRODUCTION KVS MET DANK AAN / MERCI À / THANKS TO Jonathan Berte, Lut Boets, Peter De Graef, Janne Desmet, Paul Van Hove, Bart Voet, Hazel Dhaenens, Bas Vanden Broecke, Jan Eelen, Sanne Nuyens, Evie Lefebvre, Michael De Cock, Lieven Scheire, Het Geluidshuis & Raven Ruëll