28.11.201914:30 - 15:30KVS, Brussels-2
29.11.201915:00 - 16:00KVS, Brussels-2
29.11.201918:00 - 19:00KVS, Brussels-2
Brazilian dancer and choreographer Marta Soarespresents the enchanting installation Vestígios, for which she took inspiration from the ancient burial rituals of pre-Columbian indigenous peoples. Vestígios, meaning Traces,originates from the monumental features of the sambaquis, shell mounds: prehistoric sites that were found all along the Brazilian coastline. Soares investigated the history of these prehistoric indigenous graveyards in Laguna, in Santa Catarina in Brazil. She wants to honour the pre-colonial philosophy of the ancestors.
This creation won the Associação Paulista de Criticos de Arte (APCA) Dance Award in 2010.