Do You Wanna Play With Me?

Sylvie Landuyt / KVS, Bad Ass Cie & Mars
Thu 18.01.2018 - Mon 21.01.2019

#Webcamgirls #RolePlayingGame #Virtual #InRealLife #Sex #Robot. It’s only a game.


Do You Wanna Play With Me? is a family story in which social media and internet porn bring tension to relationships. At night, the youngsters, just like their parents, shut themselves up in a virtual world full of explicit language and images.

The mother scours dating sites. Her introvert teenage daughter takes after her mother and online emerges as an almost voluptuous sexual creature full of self-confidence. Her virtual life increases her power in real life, but at the same time imprisons her in her self-made perfect picture. In his turn, the son becomes addicted to internet porn and is ruined by self-hatred. A new character gradually penetrates into the children’s lives. Artificial intelligence, born out of their fantasies, is the ideal mother who comes increasingly to the fore.

Do You Wanna Play With Me? is a story on several levels in which words, sounds, images and archetypes latch on to each other.

Sylvie Landuyt is a theatre-maker pur sang. She writes, performs and directs. She won the Prix de la Critique prize for best female writer for her most recent play, Elle(s), based on the character Don Juan.


TEKST & REGIE / TEXTE & MISE EN SCÈNE / TEXT & DIRECTION Sylvie Landuyt SPEL / JEU / CAST Sophie Warnant, Gaëlle Gillis, Dries Notelteirs, Ruggero Catania, Jules De Cock, Jef Cuppens ONDERSTEUNING DRAMATURGIE & ASSISTENTIE / SOUTIEN DRAMATURGY & ASSISTANCE / SUPPORT DRAMATURGY & ASSISTANCE Lisa Cogniaux PRODUCTIE-ASSISTENTIE / ASSISTANCE PRODUCTION Miek Scheers SCENOGRAFIE / SCÉNOGRAPHIE / SCENOGRAPHY Vincent Bresmal GEASSISTEERD DOOR / ASSISTÉ PAR / ASSISTED BY Matthieu Delcourt MUZIEK (COMPOSITIE & INSTRUMENT) / MUSIQUE (COMPOSITION & INSTRUMENTS) / MUSIC (COMPOSITION & INSTRUMENTS) Geoffrey François, Eliott Delafosse, Rugerro Catania VIDEO / VIDÉO Dimitri Baheux LICHTONTWERP / CONCEPTION LUMIÈRE / LIGHTING DESIGN Guy Simard LICHT & TONEELMEESTER / LUMIÈRE & RÉGISSEUR / LIGHTING & STAGE MANAGER Guillaume Rizzo KOSTUUMS / COSTUMES Sylvie Landuyt, Heidi Ehrhart GELUID / SON / SOUND Geoffrey François VOICE OVER / VOIX OFF Imane Cardinal, Mila Cardinal, Ruggero Catania, Zélie Claeys, Luci Créteur, Ariane Debeaud, Anis Draou, Winter Decock, Dorian Durand, Sylvie Landuyt, Margot Roucan, Héloïse Staroz, Amour Ugal VERTALING / TRADUCTION / TRANSLATION Miek Scheers, Michael De Cock, Trevor Perri PRODUCTIE / PRODUCTION KVS, Mars & Bad Ass Cie MET DE STEUN VAN / AVEC LE SOUTIEN DE / WITH THE SUPPORT OF Théâtre Des Doms & Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles - Direction Théâtre MET DANK AAN / REMERCIEMENTS / THANKS TO De leerlingen van het derde jaar van het Conservatorium te Avignon, ARTS2 GEREALISEERD MET DE STEUN VAN / RÉALISÉ AVEC LE SUPPORT DE / REALISED WITH THE SUPPORT OF De Taxshelter van de Belgische Federale Overheid