Lisaboa Houbrechts / Toneelhuis & KVS
Tue 04.03.2025 - Sun 15.06.2025

How can you live and survive in a war as a child? As a young woman? As a mother? Using these questions as her guide, Lisaboa Houbrechts presents the play Mother Courage as a moving, confronting fable about the vulnerability and resilience of one of world repertoire’s most iconic female characters.

Mother Courage is a famous anti-war play by Bertolt Brecht about the sutler Anne Fierling. Brecht sets his play during the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648), a European conflict between Catholics and Protestants. A sutler was someone who had permission to travel along with the troops to sell food, drink, and other provisions to the soldiers. In the story, Fierling loses her children to the war she helps sustain. Brecht wants us to condemn her for her opportunism, but at the same time there is something tragic and pitiful about her. 

Lisaboa Houbrechts sees Mother Courage as an ambiguous, complex character. She is all-in-one: perpetrator and victim, profiteer and refugee, mother and tradeswoman. But for Lisaboa, war is not just something between nations and peoples. War also takes place within the family and the intimacy of the female body. She chooses to stage the original text of Mother Courage in its entirety, including songs by Paul Dessau. She wants to investigate how the play, exactly because of its historicism, can become contemporary. With a diverse cast featuring Lubna Azabal, Laura De Geest, Koen De Sutter, Alain Franco, Lisi Estaras, Pietro Quadrino, Joeri Happel, Aydin Isleyen, ea., Lisaboa translates the text to a unique, multilingual, musical and figurative universe, where beauty abounds.

Mother Courage is part of an impressive series of enigmatic female figures in Lisaboa’s body of work, including Dull Gret, Medea, and Yerma. 

Strobe lighting is used in this performance. 

Evening programme




For the performances on February 21 and 22, as well as on March 6 and 7, you can attend an introduction (of half an hour) in Dutch at 7:00 PM. On March 4 (at 6:00 PM) and March 5 (at 7:00 PM), an introduction in French will be provided.

The introductions will take place each time at the KVS TOP BAR (fifth floor of KVS BOL).


tekst | texte | text BERTOLT BRECHT originele titel | titre original | original title Moeder Courage en haar kinderen / Mère Courage et ses enfants / Mother Courage and her children regie | mise en scène | direction LISABOA HOUBRECHTS dramaturgie | dramaturgy DINA DOOREMAN, ERWIN JANS acteurs | actors LUBNA AZABAL, KOEN DE SUTTER, JOERI HAPPEL, AYDIN ÌşLEYEN, ALAIN FRANCO, LAURA DE GEEST, LISI ESTARAS, PIETRO QUADRINO originele muziek | musique originale | original music PAUL DESSAU muziekarrangement, aanvullende muziek & geluidsontwerp | musique arrangée, musiques supplémentaires & conception sonore | music arrangement, additional music & sound design Alain Franco uitvoering muziek | interprétation musicale | performance music ALAIN FRANCO & AYDIN ÌşLEYEN zang en saz | chant et saz | vocals and saz AYDIN ÌşLEYEN De volgende liederen van Paul Dessau uit Moeder Courage en haar kinderen zullen zonder muzikale begeleiding gezongen worden | Les chansons suivantes de Paul Dessau sur "Mère Courage et ses enfants" seront chantées sans accompagnement instrumental | The following songs from Paul Dessau from Mother Courage and her children will be sung without musical guidance MON CAPITAINE – CHANSON DE MÈRE COURAGE, LA CHANSON DE LA GRANDE CAPITULATION, LA CHANSON DE LA FRATERNISATION ET DE ULM À METZ kostuums | costumes OUMAR DICKO uitvoering kostuum Lubna | exécution costume Lubna | execution costume Lubna ELLADA DAMIANOU lichtontwerp | conception de lumière | light design FABIANA PICCIOLI scenografie | scénographie | set design LISABOA HOUBRECHTS & RALF NONN productiemanager | direction de la production | production manager ELLA DE GREGORIIS toneelmeester | régisseur | stage master CARLO BOURGUIGNON |lichttechniek | technique d'éclairage | light technics MARGARETA ANDERSEN geluidstechniek | techniques du son | sound technics BRECHT BEUSELINCK BOVENTITELING | SURTITRAGE | SURTITLING INGE FLORE VERTALING / TRADUCTION / TRANSLATION en Français: Irène Bonnaud (Bertolt Brecht est publié et représenté par L’ARCHE – éditeur & agence théâtrale., in het Nederlands: Gerrit Kouwenaar. Hebrew : Amit Lebleng. Kurdish : Aynur Bozkurt. stagiair assistent regie | stagiair assistant de réalisation | intern assistant direction DAAN HAEVERANS & LUDWIG SANDER productie | production KVS & TONEELHUIS coproductie | coproduction THÉÂTRE DE LIÈGE, LE PHÉNIX-SCÈNE NATIONALE DE VALENCIENNES, THÉÂTRE DE LA VILLE PARIS, PERPODIUM met de steun van | avec le soutien de | with the support THE TAXSHELTER OF THE BELGIAN FEDERAL GOVERNMENT VIA CRONOS INVEST, THE FLEMISH COMMUNITY & REGIO HAUTS-DE-FRANCE