De Vogels

Lieselotte De Keyzer / De Polen
Fri 23.02.2024 and Sat 24.02.2024
  • 23.02.2024
    20:30 - 21:30
    KVS, Brussels
    Past event
  • 24.02.2024
    20:30 - 21:30
    KVS, Brussels
    Past event

Two citizens flee their beloved Athens because they are tired of the corruption and bureaucracy. Determined to find a better place, Peisthetairos comes to an agreement with the birds to build a new city in the sky. But soon he starts drawing all the power towards himself. His own longing for freedom comes at the cost of that of many others.

For this new creation, Lieselotte De Keyzer and Kobe Chielens adapt the play text The Birds by Greek comedic writer Aristophanes. They invite actors Louise Bergez and Hans Mortelmans as well as visual artist Sibran Sampers. Using the rhyming play text, visuals, and dance, the five of them construct their own version of the play.

The Birds is a cheerful play, in stark contrast with the sombre message of the text.


On February 23 and 24, Suza De Gryse will give an introduction to The Birds, each night at 7:30 PM at the BOX Bar. Everyone is welcome to attend.


CONCEPT Lieselotte De Keyzer & Kobe Chielens TEKST / TEXTE / TEXTAristophanes SPEL / JEU / PERFORMANCE Louise Bergez, Kobe Chielens, Lieselotte De Keyzer, Hans Mortelmans & Sibran Sampers SCENOGRAFIE / SCÉNOGRAPHIE / SCENOGRAPHY Sibran Sampers COPRODUCTIE / COPRODUCTION Tentoo Payroll Services MET DANK AAN / REMERCIEMENTS À / THANKS TO KVS, Monty, De Grote Post, Kaap, Artemista, Kwp/ Kunstenwerkplaats