Tender Men

Koen De Preter
Wed 04.05.2022 20:00 - 21:00
KVS, Brussels
Past event
20:00 - 21:00
Past event

Tender Men captivates and confuses, teases and triggers somewhere on the border between bro, bromance and romance. The performance highlights the ambiguity between the tough and the sensual. 

In this dance performance, Koen De Preter creates a universe in which masculinity and its sensitivity are central, and sheds light on our society in which we are increasingly confronted with the fact that we have to deal with a lot of things. He asks himself how men would interact in a world without homophobia.

Tender Men is about the fearlessness, beauty and poetry of touch, but also about the chaos and misunderstandings that are inextricably linked to it. Four men - each with their own dance background and identity - symbolise vulnerability, roughness and tenderness.

Koen De Preter is a choreographer and performer. He experiments with forms and audiences and moves between different circuits. The search for a balance between abstraction and theatricality in dance, together with eclectic soundtracks, are a constant in his creations. After more intimate work like the curated evening Solo Night and his solo DANCING, this is a larger performance with an international cast.


CHOREOGRAFIE & CONCEPT / CHORÉGRAPHIE & CONCEPT / CHOREOGRAPHY & CONCEPT Koen De Preter PERFORMERS Benoît Nieto Duran, Machias Bosschaerts, Po-Nien Wang, Souleymane Sanogo CREATIETEAM / ÉQUIPE DE CRÉATION / CREATION TEAM Benoît Nieto Duran, Johhan Rosenberg, Po-Nien Wang, Souleymane Sanogo DRAMATURGISCH ADVIES / CONSEIL DRAMATURGIQUE / DRAMATURGICAL ADVICE Nienke Reehorst LICHTONTWERP / CONCEPTION LUMIÈRE / LIGHTING DESIGN Fudetani Ryoya KOSTUUMS / COSTUMES Atelier Marie Dries TECHNIEK / TECHNIQUE Eva Dermul GELUIDSMONTAGE / MONTAGE SONORE / SOUND EDITING Koen De Preter FOTOGRAFIE / PHOTOGRAPHIE / PHOTOGRAPHY Stanislav Dobak ZAKELIJKE PRODUCTIELEIDING / DIRECTEUR DE PRODUCTION / PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Lenneke Rasschaert SPREIDING / DISTRIBUTION Vincent Company COPRODUCTIE / COPRODUCTION C-TAKT, DansBrabant, Perpodium RESIDENTIES / RÉSIDENCES / RESIDENCIES KVS Brussel, Cultuurcentrum ccBe Berchem, de Warande Turnhout, Dommelhof Neerpelt, De Nieuwe Vorst Tilburg, De Grote Post Oostende, Kunstencentrum STUK Leuven MET DE STEUN VAN / AVEC LE SOUTIEN DE / WITH THE SUPPORT OF de Vlaamse overheid en stad Antwerpen, taxshelter van de Belgische Federale Overheid en Cronos Invest