06.05.2025 and 07.05.2025
In Love
Bahar Temiz & Charo Calvo / KVS

In Love

Bahar Temiz & Charo Calvo / KVS
Tue 06.05.2025 and Wed 07.05.2025

In Love, an intimate dance and sound performance, plays with the narrative of love and its relationship to time. 

By the end of the 1870s, Eadweard Muybridge was trying to photograph the fastest horse of that time in motion. On the second day of the experiment, a shadow was caught and gave the promise of keeping an unseizable moment for eternity. But what is a moment and what is eternity? And what love has to do with that? 

That perfect moment, a kiss, the first sight, the first ‘I love you’ that we hear or say… Could they only be just memories, some illusion or a fiction? A story that we keep telling ourselves to convert it into reality? A moment already gone forever once perceived, like the fastest horse in its full speed.

We would like to make of love this one perfect story, but reality is always more complex and beyond our imagination - as imagination keeps pulling reality always further. The contrast between dream and reality translates into a series of fragments and In Love questions how we construct and stage love. In Love is about how the heart falls, how it breaks, how it heals and how illusions are torn down. In Love is a call for tenderness and proximity with the wish to rewind, accelerate and suspend.

KVS face Bahar Temiz collaborated with sound designer Charo Calvo (also a familiar face at KVS) on the performances ICE and PUNKT.  Together, they now reprise Temiz’s 2016 solo In Love, working around themes of romance, storytelling, tactility, speed and eternity for a dance and sound performance that takes its inspiration from literature and audiovisual arts.


“But how do you determine the exact moment when a story starts? Everything has always started from the beginning, the first line of the first page of every novel goes back to something that has already happened outside the book. Or the real story is one that starts ten or a hundred pages ahead and everything before is just a prologue. The lives of individuals of the human species form a continuous intertwine, in which every attempt to separate a piece of living that has meaning separately from the rest - for example, the meeting of two people that will become decisive for both of them - must bear in mind that each of them carries with them a fabric of environments made by other people, and that from the meeting will in turn produce other stories that will separate from their common history.” –  Italo Calvino


Bahar Temiz

Charo Calvo


CONCEPT & PERFORMANCE / CONCEPT & JEU / CONCEPT & PERFORMANCE Bahar Temiz IN SAMENWERKING MET / EN COLLABORATION AVEC / IN COLLABORATION WITH Charo Calvo GELUIDSONTWERP / CRÉATION SONORE / SOUND DESIGN Charo Calvo LICHTONTWERP / CONCEPTION LUMIÈRE / LIGHT DESIGN Michael Janssens SCULPTUUR / SCULPTURE Patrick Nys KOSTUUMS / COSTUMES Ritter Bitter, Lieve Meeussen GELUID & PROJECTIE / SON & PROJECTION / SOUND & PROJECTION Bram Moriau TONEELMEESTER / RÉGISSEUR / STAGE MANAGER Carlo Bourguignon PRODUCTIELEIDING / DIRECTEUR DE PRODUCTION / PRODUCTION MANAGER Robin Hectors ARTISTIEK ADVIES / AVIS ARTISTIQUE / ARTISTIC ADVICE Dina Dooreman, Daphne Koutsafti EXTERNE BLIK / REGARD EXTÉRIEUR / OUTSIDE EYES Moya Michael, Smaranda Olcese, Marc Vanrunxt MET DANK AAN / REMERCIEMENTS À / THANKS TO Dora Almeleh, Margareta Andersen, Mesut Arslan, Arda Ateş, Michael De Cock, Valerie De Visscher, Ceylan Dökmen, Jonas Rutgeerts, Metin Sakin, Philippe Vandendriessche PRODUCTIE / PRODUCTION KVS & Platform 0090 COPRODUCTIE / COPRODUCTION Kunstcentrum Buda, APAP – Advancing Performing Arts Projects RESIDENTIES / RÉSIDENCES / RESIDENCIES De Feniks Walpurgis (Mortsel, Belgium), Maison de la Culture d’Amiens – Centre de création et de production (France), Kunstcentrum Buda, Centre National de la Danse (Paris, France), Saint Joseph High School, Salt Galata (Istanbul, Turkey) GEPROJECTEERDE TEKST / TEXTE PROJETE / PROJECTED TEXT Jane Austen - Persuasion, Federico Fellini - Casanova, Rebecca Solnit - River of Shadows: Eadweard Muybridge and the Technological Wild West, Natalia to Chantal mentioned by Frances Morgan in the afterword of Chantal Akerman - My Mother Laughs, PBS Nature Documentary - A Male Peacock Jumping Spider Mating Dance