Mañana es otro país

Mon 04.01.2021 12:00 - Wed 30.06.2021 20:00
At home, Earth
Past event
From 12:00
Past event

After the children's book and the play, there is also the audiobook in Spanish and Dutch of Mañana es otro país.

In collaboration with FITAM, the international festival by Santiago A Mil, we are launching the ‘radioteatro’ Mañana es otro pais – a real audiobook, which thousands of children and adults in Chile will listen to. It is suitable for children from 8 years onwards.

The Spanish version is performed by Chilean actress Maria-José Parga and will be available on in January 2021. The Dutch-language version of the audio book, voiced by Dutch star actress Angela Schijf, is already available on your favourite podcast channel

The gorgeous sound design was created by sound artist Charo Calvo.

Listen to the 
audiobook in
on Spotify.

Listen to the
audiobook in
Spanish on Spotify.

‘Kom,’ had mama gezegd. ‘We vertrekken. Morgen vertrekken we.’ 

We hebben in zeven haasten onze spullen bij elkaar gepakt. 

Hoe snel is dat, in zeven haasten? 

Dat is verschrikkelijk snel. Sneller dan Messi kan rennen en sterren kunnen vallen. Sneller dan het licht. Zo snel dat we nauwelijks de tijd hadden om afscheid te nemen.

(fragment uit het boek)