Presentation season 2020-2021

Presentation season 2020-2021

Wed 10.06.2020
  • 10.06.2020
    11:00 - 11:30
    At home, Earth
    Past event
  • 10.06.2020
    20:00 - 20:30
    At home, Earth
    Past event

These past few months were theatre-less months. But today it’s time to dream again. We are delighted to offer you a glittering new season – one that is richer and safer than ever. We didn’t think it was a good idea to simply recycle existing ideas for summer and autumn, so we’ve gone in search of different solutions - new ways of showing and experiencing. It’s possible. The performances are shorter, for fewer people. They’re outside, on our square. And some are in our empty theatres, with seats at a safe distance. One thing is certain: we’re going to work, together with our artists, and we’ll be bringing their work to you, one way or another.

In normal years we invite you into KVS’s auditorium and present the season, with guests, artistic interventions, a full house and a party afterwards. This year, we’ll be presenting digitally – literally at a physical distance, just as the rules say.
Artistic Director Michael De Cock, together with some artists that can be seen on our stages this year, are delighted to be introducing the new season to you in a series of video calls (zoom) for small groups. There will be 2 sessions of around half an hour each. Each session, and you’ll also be able to flip through our online magazine and ask questions. The drinks? Sadly, you’ll have to provide those yourself…
Can’t make it? The season will go live on our web site on the same day, and you’ll also be able to start booking.