© Stef Stessel


SKaGeN, De Roovers & De Nieuwe Tijd
Fri 20.12.2019 and Sat 21.12.2019
  • 20.12.2019
    KVS, Brussels
    Past event
  • 21.12.2019
    KVS, Brussels
    Past event

SKaGeN, De Roovers & De Nieuwe Tijd are joining forces to create a contemporary version of the Paul Auster classic Smoke. Six actors, a simple but clever set and a lot of fervour to meet each other on stage will make for a smashing performance.  

A black boy changes his identity and seeks refuge with Paul, an author who has fallen on hard times. The boy seeks and finds his biological father – but then what?

Paul walks into Auggie’s cigar shop in Brooklyn, NY. For fourteen years, Auggie has been taking the same picture every day at the same time, in front of his shop. He invites Paul to flick through his photo albums. Paul concludes that they are all the same – but then he sees his own wife in various pictures, including one from the day she died. Ever since his wife was murdered on the streets, Paul is unable to write a word – but that’s about to change.

Chance also has a surprise in store for Auggie: after years of absence, his wife returns to tell him they have a daughter together, who needs his help …

Just like the smoke of a cigar, Smoke twists, turns and floats past the lives of its characters, connects or rediscovers them, then lets them go again, reborn through the soft hand of chance.


TEKST / TEXTE / TEXT Paul Auster CONCEPT Mathijs F Scheepers MET / AVEC / WITH Mathijs F Scheepers, Robby Cleiren, Suzanne Grotenhuis, Luc Nuyens, Ikram Aoulad, Nick Renzo Garcia DECOR / SET DESIGN Stef Stessel KOSTUUM / COSTUME Barbara Delaere VERTALING FR / TRADUCTION FR / TRANSLATION FR Marie Van Puyvelde BOVENTITELING / SURTITRAGE / SURTITLING Tineke De Meyer ZAKELIJKE LEIDING / DIRECTEUR ADMINISTRATIF / BUSINESS MANAGER Korneel Hamers (SKaGeN), Sofie Vreys (DeRoovers), Johan Van Assche (DNT) PRODUCTIE / PRODUCTION SKaGeN, De Roovers, De Nieuwe Tijd & PerPodium MET STEUN VAN / AVEC LE SOUTIEN DE / WITH THE SUPPORT OF de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Tax Shelter & PerPodium MET DANK AAN / MERCI À / THANKS TO DEStudio & Matterhorn