Wim Vandekeybus / Ultima Vez
Fri 13.12.2019 - Wed 18.12.2019

In Traces, choreographer, dancer and KVS face Wim Vandekeybus returns to the origins, to ancient tempers and instincts that are older than humanity and its memory. 

In his latest production entitled TRACES, Wim Vandekeybus follows the traces he has left. He looks back on the intuitions from whence his search began: to the drama of impulses and instincts; to the game of energies and intensities. In the overwhelming Romanian nature, with Europe's last primeval forests, Vandekeybus searches for traces that are older than man and his memory. For ‘the inner story’, for the story that unfolds before or beyond language and can only be told in the pulses of dance and music.

It is a search for traces of nature that the body has forgotten or repressed. How much nature still lives in human mankind? How much animal in the human body? What happens when at risk or in danger? When do we have to take intuitive decisions to survive?

The music is written by Trixie Whitley (who composed the music for TrapTown) in collaboration with Marc Ribot (who wrote the music for Inasmuch as Life is Borrowed and Vandekeybus’ full-length film debut Galloping Mind), Shahzad Ismaily, Ben Perowsky and Daniel Mintseris. They are joined on the stage by ten dancers on the stage. Together they create a unique live experience.

TRACES is premiering on the 8th of December 2019 in the context of Europalia Romania during December Dance at Concertgebouw Bruges.


17.12.2019 - Aftertalk


REGIE & CHOREOGRAFIE / RÉGIE & CHOREOGRAPHIE / DIRECTION & CHOREOGRAPHY Wim Vandekeybus GECREËERD MET & OPGEVOERD DOOR / CRÉÉ AVEC & INTERPRÉTÉ PAR / CREATED WITH & PERFORMED BY Alexandros Anastasiadis, Borna Babić, Maureen Bator, Davide Belotti, Pieter Desmet, Maria Kolegova, Kit King, Anna Karenina Lambrechts, Magdalena Oettl en Mufutau Yusuf LIVE MUZIEK / MUSIQUE LIVE PAR / LIVE MUSIC BY Marc Ribot, Trixie Whitley, Shahzad Ismaily, Ben Perowsky en Daniel Mintseris BEWEGINGSASSISTENT / ASSISTANT MOUVEMENT / MOVEMENT ASSISTANT German Jauregui, Iñaki Azpillaga STORYLINE Wim Vandekeybus DRAMATURGIE / DRAMATURGY Erwin Jans KOSTUUMONTWERP / STYLISME / COSTUME DESIGN Isabelle Lhoas GEASSISTEERD DOOR / ASSISTÉE PAR / ASSISTED BY Isabelle De Cannière SCENOGRAFIE / SCENOGRAPHIE / SCENOGRAPHY Wim Vandekeybus & Tom de With STAGE MANAGEMENT / RÉGIE PLATEAU Tom de With SOUND ENGINEER Bram Moriau LICHTONTWERP / LUMIÈRE / LIGHT DESIGN Wim Vandekeybus & Francis Gahide LICHT OP TOUR / LUMIÈRE EN TOURNÉE / LIGHT ON TOUR Helmut Van den Meersschaut UITVOERING KOSTUUMS BEREN / EXÉCUTION DES COSTUMES D'OURS / BEAR COSTUME DESIGN Jan Maillard BÜHNE SCHILDERINGEN / PEINTURES SCÈNES / SCENE PAINTINGS Patrick [Bob] Vantricht PRODUCTIE / PRODUCTION Ultima Vez COPRODUCTIE / COPRODUCTION Europalia Romania, December Dance/Concertgebouw Brugge, KVS Brussel & La Rose des Vents Villeneuve d'Ascq MET DE STEUN VAN Tax Shelter maatregel van de Belgische Federale Overheid, Casa Kafka Pictures Tax Shelter empowered by Belfius. Ultima Vez wordt ondersteund door de Vlaamse Autoriteiten en de Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest / AVEC LE SOUTIEN DE Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral Belge, Casa Kafka Pictures Tax Shelter empowered by Belfius. Ultima Vez reçoit l'appui des Autorités flamandes et de la Commission Communautaire flamande de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale / WITH THE SUPPORT OF Tax Shelter measure of the Belgian Federal Government, Casa Kafka Pictures Tax Shelter empowered by Belfius. Ultima Vez is supported by the Flemish Authorities & the Flemish Community Commission of the Brussels Capital Region