Throw Me Back Into the Waters - Expo

Sofie Anny Nicea
Wed 30.10.2024 - Thu 05.12.2024

This season, KVS invites Brussels-based artists to dress up our BOXBAR with new and exciting visual work. The exhibitions offer a complementary perspective to our stage program and engage in dialogue around themes such as legacy, trauma, care and identity. From Oct. 30 to Dec. 5, discover Throw Me Back Into the Waters by Sofie Anny Nicea. 

Throw Me Back Into the Waters dives into memory, trauma, and renewal. Each painting reflects a longing to return to a freer state, where past constraints dissolve and a sense of calm emerges.

As a child, water was my sanctuary—a space where time slowed and I felt truly alive and untethered. This collection arises from a newly understood old trauma, once mistaken for a dream. My father helped me see it as real, reshaping how I hold my past. It also explores inherited trauma from my grandparents—experiences that still reverberate. These works reflect my struggle to leave behind both personal and ancestral wounds, to rediscover lost freedom.”

Visit the exhibition from Monday till Friday during the opening hours of KVS BOX and KVS Café (10h00 till 16h00), and from 19h30 on performance days in KVS BOX. 

Sofie Anny Nicea

The Brazilian Afro-European artist Sofie Anny Nicea is based in Belgium and specializes in aerial acrobatics, textiles, and video installations. Trained at Rio de Janeiro's National Circus School, she operated under the name Nicole Twister and performs alongside Camille Paycha and Stef van Looveren. Her drawings and paintings are inspired by dreams, childhood memories, trauma, autophobia, Asian horror, folklore, Kaiju, pattern work and anime.