Monkeymind Company & Unmute Dance Company
Thu 12.12.2024 20:00 - 21:10
KVS, Brussels
20:00 - 21:10
Past event

In this inclusive dance performance, choreographer Lisi Estaras brings diversity back to the stage.

She unites eight outstanding performers: European and African, young and experienced dancers from various cultural backgrounds, gender and dance styles, body types and abilities. They want to be together, meet each other, and construct a world of desire. However different they may be, the mixability dancers search for their own language - sign language, body language, spoken language, dance language, written language.... The result is funny, revolutionary, energetic, touching, impressive, absurd or simply beautiful. 

Is part of the selection:


concept & choreografie | choréographie | choreography Lisi Estaras gecreëerd met de dansers | créé avec les danseurs | created with the dancers Hannah Bekemans, Nadene McKenzie, Elie Tass, Andile Vellem, Joseph Tebandeke, Sophie Warnant, Zoë Chungong en Julia Luna Dierens. assistent voor | assistant pour | assistant for Hannah Bekemans Marianne Colombie assistent voor | assistant pour | assistant for Julia Luna Dierens Frank Dierens dramaturgie | dramaturgy Sara Vanderieck muziekcompositie | composition musicale | music composition Gabriel Chwojnik soundscape Damien Magnette lichtontwerp & scenografie | conception de lumière & scénographie | light design & set design Helmut Van den Meersschaut kostuums | costumes Louis Verlinde administratie | administration & productieleiding | directeur·rice de production | production manager Nicole Petit productie | production MonkeyMind vzw/MonkeyMind Company (Gent) en Unmute Dance Company (Kaapstad) coproductie | coproduction Charleroi danse, centre chorégraphique de Wallonie – Bruxelles, December Dance Brugge, Dorky Park in residentie in Volksbühne Berlijn, Festival van Vlaanderen (Gent) en Perpodium vzw met de steun van | avec le soutien de | with the support STUK Leuven (residentie) en laGeste Gent (studiogebruik).

MonkeyMind vzw ontvangt gedurende 3 jaar een structurele subsidie van de Stad Gent