System_D invite As Salem Aleykoum

Le Rideau
Fri 15.12.2023 19:00 - 20:30
KVS, Brussels
Past event
19:00 - 20:30
Past event

As part of System_D film festival, the performance As Salem Aleykoum can be seen to open the festival.  


Carried by 2 cultures, my ass on a border, I belong to the in-between identity that has no homeland. So today I stand up to talk to you. And I'm not doing it alone. At the heart of the show is the border. The border that our parents had to cross even before we were born.

We, heirs to this "coupling identity" - believe it is our duty not to shy away from dialogue but to actually provoke it. So, using the boundary that separates the audience from the performers, we want to approach everything uncompromisingly. Together, we are going to try to create a welcoming ritual that can heal our history. We enter this space separated and fragmented; we will try to leave it together, united. The border becoming the catalyst for a common spirit is the challenge of these times we are all living through. There is no chance of failure with an As Salem Aleykoum (السالم عليكم) - peace be upon you - by way of welcome.


MET / AVEC / WITH Edson Annibal, Jean-Marc Judith, Louise Moret, Warda Rammach, Anaïs Stinglhamber, Mik Talib, Mehdi Zekhnini. TEAM DRAMATURGIE-ASSISTENT / ASSISTANT A LA DRAMATURGIE / ASSISTANCE TO THE DRAMATURGE Iedereen / tout le monde / everyone ASSISTENT-REGISSEUR / ASSISTANT A LA MISE EN SCÈNE / ASSISTANCE TO THE DIRECTION Loïc Leroy KOSTUUMONTWERP / CONCEPTION DES COSTUMES / COSTUME DESIGN Alphonse Eklou LICHTONTWERP / CONCEPTION DE LUMIÈRE / LIGHT DESIGN Jonathan Kibani Moncef Boussaleh FOTOGRAFIE / PHOTOGRAPHIE Mik Talib DECORONTWERP / CONCEPTION DE DÉCOR / SET DESIGN Aylyn Bendehin REGISSEUR / MISE EN SCÈNE / DIRECTOR Jonathan Moncef Kibani Boussaleh DISTRIBUTIE / DISTRIBUTION Le Rideau COPRODUCTIE / COPRODUCTION Le Rideau, Le Sbeul, La Balsamine, La Coop ASBL MET DE STEUN VAN / AVEC LE SUPPORT DE / WITH THE SUPPORT OF La Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles - Service général de la création artistique, Shelterprod,, ING, Tax Shelter van de Belgische federale overheid MET DANK AAN / REMERCIEMENTS A / THANKS TO Le Sbeul: Het Rideau team, het Balsamine team, het Vénerie team, De FWB, het Insas team, het Des Blocs team, het Fatsabbats team, het Ravi team, Paola Stevenne, Bwanga Pilipili, François Makanga, Virginie Thirion, Samira Hmouda, Sophie Senecaut, Naïm Belhaloumi, Emmanuelle Gilles-Rousseau, Dany, Ben Felix, Landry Kalla en een heleboel andere supporters waarvan je de afwezigheid in deze lijst moet vergeven, want ze zijn wel degelijk aanwezig in onze gedachten