What Remains

Zoë Demoustier / Ultima Vez
Fri 15.09.2023 and Sat 16.09.2023
  • 15.09.2023
    20:00 - 21:10
    KVS, Brussels
    Past event
  • 16.09.2023
    18:30 - 19:40
    KVS, Brussels
    Past event

What Remains is a story about beginning and ending, about standing at the very end of a lifeline, at the point where you start as a child or where you end as an older one. The poetry of changing as a person, making memories and the fear of losing them. 

In What Remains, Zoë Demoustier brings two generations together on stage: children who start life and older dancers who leave life behind. The outcome of that encounter is a physical and dancing game between old and young that exposes the perishable body. In a language of movement in which roles can be reversed, both are strong in their vulnerability. A child carries his grandparent; an elderly dancer regains his childlike freedom; Who takes care of whom? They find each other in the similarities and differences. The older generation consists of professional dancers. These dancers embody the forgotten body, the body that is no longer visible on stage. Who are those people, that forgotten group? Are they forced to stop because of a changed body?


CHOREOGRAFIE / CHORÉGRAPHIE / CHOREOGRAPHY Zoë Demoustier PERFORMANCE / INTERPRÉTATION / PERFORMANCE Misha Demoustier, Jef Stevens, Karin Vyncke, Irene Schaltegger, Alice Monserez, Chizzy Chinaedu, Charlotte Maes, Kyora Kaiwa Stoffer, Luwe Van Gucht & Charlie Van Cauwenberghe DRAMATURGIE / DRAMATURGY Danielle van Vree CHOREOGRAFISCHE ONDERSTEUNING / SOUTIEN CHORÉGRAPHIQUE / CHOREOGRAPHIC SUPPORT Oihana Azpillaga ARTISTIEK ADVIES / CONSEIL ARTISTIQUE / ARTISTIC ADVICE Annemie Boonen, Misha Demoustier, Oihana Azpillaga & Wim Vandekeybus KOSTUUMONTWERP & ONDERZOEK / CONCEPTION COSTUMES & RECHERCHE / COSTUME DESIGN & RESEARCH Annemie Boonen MUZIEK- & GELUIDSONTWERP / CONCEPTION MUSIQUE & SON / SOUND & MUSIC DESIGN Misha Demoustier & Rint Mennes MUZIEKONDERZOEK / RECHERCHE MUSIQUE / MUSIC RESEARCH Misha Demoustier & Sebastiaan Wets GELUID OP TOER / SON EN TOURNÉE / SOUND ON TOUR Rint Mennes / Schröder LICHT- & DECORONTWERP / CONCEPTION LUMIÈRE & DÉCOR / LIGHTING & SET DESIGN Thomas Glorieux LICHT ADVIES / CONSEIL LUMIÈRES / LIGHTING ADVICE Varja Klosse LICHT OP TOER / LUMIÈRES EN TOURNÉE / LIGHTING ON TOUR Thomas Glorieux / Benjamin Verbrugge INTERVIEWS Yelena Schmitz PRODUCTIE / PRODUCTION Ultima Vez COPRODUCTIE / COPRODUCTION STUK Leuven, BRONKS Theater voor jong publiek, HET LAB Hasselt, Krokusfestival Hasselt Bijstand Emma Hons, Karlijn Vanoppen, Sarah Migairou Feldman, Dauwke Van Kerckhoven, Chisom Lois Onyebueke Chinaedu MET DE STEUN VAN / AVEC LE SOUTIEN DE / WITH THE SUPPORT OF de Tax Shelter maatregel van de Belgische Federale overheid, Casa Kafka Pictures Tax Shelter gemachtigd door Belfius. Ultima Vez wordt gesteund door de Vlaamse Gemeenschap en de Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest. MET DANK AAN / REMERCIEMENTS À / THANKS TO Kristien De Coster, Kaïs Ung, Albertine Guilloteau Croizé, Hélène De Vrieze, Lore Stessel, Tom Herbots, Klaartje Lambrechts, Daniel Demoustier, Kurt van der Elst, Klaas De Somer, Johan Boonen, Willem Lenaerts, Maarten Van Cauwenberghe, Voetvolk/Rubigny, Pieter-Jan Decraene, Katrien Pauwels, Evelyne Coussens, Aaron Wouters, Inne Goris, prof. dr. Sebastiaan Engelborghs, Lana Van Dierdonck, Veerle Berghmans, Joke Laureyns, Kwint Manshoven, Mieke Versyp, Hanne Demeire, House of Music, het stiekeme stadskoor STEMMER onder leiding van. Peter Spaepen, basisschool Catharina, juffrouw Hilde Jacobs, woonzorgcentrum HOGEVIJF, Simen Eeckhout, Heleen Schepens, Hilde Vanhoutte, Anne Crevits, de ouders en familieleden van de kindercast, Sophie Lauwers, Kris De Bruyne.