
STAN & Olympique Dramatique / Toneelhuis
Wed 08.05.2024 and Thu 09.05.2024
  • 08.05.2024
    20:00 - 22:00
    KVS, Brussels
    Past event
  • 09.05.2024
    20:00 - 22:00
    KVS, Brussels
    Past event

“If evil is in this wind, let it blow over.” So we read in Ted Hughes’ translation of the Oresteia. The first part of the trilogy by Greek tragedian Aeschylus addresses the history between king Agamemnon and his wife Clytaemnestra. The king decides to sacrifice their daughter Iphigeneia in exchange for prosperous winds to help his ships sail to Troy. When Agamemnon finally wins the Trojan war, he returns home, where a confrontation with Clytaemnestra awaits him. 

STAN created an open-air performance in the summer of 2022 in Elefsina (Greece), the birthplace of Greek tragedy writer Aeschylus. In 2024 they join forces with Olympique Dramatique to adapt Clytaemnestra for the theatre. In this performance, three versions of the famous Greek tragedy come together: Aeschylus’ original text, Ted Hughes’ masterful English translation, and the raw interpretation Blood Bath by Gustav Ernst. By placing these three readings in parallel, the bottomless hunger for war and toxic masculinity come to the surface, and we see the character of Agamemnon in a new light.

The cast consists of a group of Belgian and Greek actors, as well as a Filipino and a Norse performer. A polyphonic ensemble that embodies various perspectives and uncovers the dynamics between dancers and actors. A dissection of misogyny, both 2500 years ago and today. Of hunger for power and of violence, and of the indifference with which we undergo brutalities. An inquiry of current-day (gender) identities and truths. With the formal framework of: when does intuition take over from rationality?

“If evil is in this wind, let it blow over.”


Please note: a strobe is used in this performance. 


VAN & MET / DE & AVEC / BY & WITH Antonis Antonopoulos, Adriana Bakker, Eleni Moleski, Gustavo Gláuber, Maria Skoula, Sara Haeck, Stijn Van Opstal, Synne Elve Enoksen CONCEPT & REGIE / CONCEPT & MISE EN SCÈNE / CONCEPT & DIRECTION Jolente De Keersmaeker TEKST / TEXTE / TEXT ‘Agamemnon’ (‘Oresteia’) van/de/by Aischylos, Ted Hughes & Gustav Ernst BEWEGINGSADVIES / CONSEIL MOUVEMENT / MOVEMENT ADVICE Youness Khoukhou SCENOGRAFIE & LICHT / SCÉNOGRAPHIE & LUMIÈRES / SCENOGRAPHY & LIGHT Thomas Walgrave KOSTUUMS / COSTUMES Rachid Laachir CONCEPT MUZIEK / CONCEPTION MUSICALE / MUSIC CONCEPT Frank Vercruyssen PRODUCTIE / PRODUCTION STAN & Olympique Dramatique | Toneelhuis COPRODUCTIE / COPRODUCTION European Capital of Culture Elefsina 2023 MET DE STEUN VAN / AVEC LE SOUTIEN DE / WITH THE SUPPORT OF Tax Shelter van de Belgische federale overheid