Professionals Mañana es otro país
Michael De Cock & María José Parga / Fundación Teatroamil & KVS
Here you’ll find everything you need: a short introduction, some memorable quotes, high-res images which you can use free of charge with attribution, the press folder, and possibly some trailers, teasers, and other visuals.
A young girl and her mother get in the back of a dark truck as cargo, beginning a long and uncertain journey. It’s like a space rocket on its way to an unknown planet. They have to keep really quiet. Luckily, the young girl is a world champion at keeping quiet. She asks herself why she can only take two bags with her, leaving almost everything she owns behind. And what should she take with her?
Installed in a container, the audience is submerged into this young girl’s world, as she tries to reconstruct both her memories and past. She begins a journey to a promised land, a symbolic place that is as fluid as her ideas, tragedies and hope, fleeing from the madness of a country that’s been destroyed in search of a tomorrow somewhere else. From this - childlike - perspective, this play brings the audience face to face with the reality of refugees and illegal immigration.
Mañana es otro país is the recreation for the Santiago a Mil Festival of a show that was first performed in Turkey and has toured Belgium, Slovenia, England, the Czech Republic, Italy, Hungary and France. Each country provides a local interpreter. In Chile, this role will be played by talented actress María José Parga. This is a KVS coproduction in conjunction with the Teatro a Mil Foundation.
Mañana es otro país se propuso un objetivo para nada menor: transmitir las angustias de una emigrante en pleno viaje a su nuevo hogar.
Live recording
Live recording on demand via (programmers) or (press).
Sébastien Parizel
0478 92 09 82