© Pablo Bernardo


Preto Amparo, Grazi Medrado, Alexandre de Sena, Pablo Bernardo (BRA)
Sat 27.11.2021 and Sun 28.11.2021
  • 27.11.2021
    20:30 - 21:20
    KVS, Brussels
    Past event
  • 28.11.2021
    20:30 - 21:20
    KVS, Brussels
    Past event

Preto Amparo’s solo proposes the decolonization of the look towards the black body. His performance zooms in on the trajectory of a young black man in society - directly affected by police brutality, mass arrests, the incessant genocide of black people and the hypersexualisation of the black body - in a mix with urban elements and contemporary rites of passage. 

violento. is an immersion into what blackness, in dialogue with contemporary society, is all about. The Brazilian colonial historical process equated blackness with expressions of violence. The performance, in turn, appropriates violence as an aesthetic and creative tool, to erase, pierce and reconfigure this way of thinking. Offering a dialogue between the ancestry and the life of the young urban black, the performer bears an experience that seeks new chances for thinking about black aesthetics in the scenic, artistic and cultural domains.

Preto Amparo is an actor, director and theatrical illuminator. He was born in the municipality of Patrocínio, located in the Triângulo Mineiro, and later began his career as an interpreter at Cia. Máxima de Teatro. Amparo has a degree in performing arts from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in humanities from the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB). He was also the technical coordinator of the second PRETA and researches marginal art and black dramaturgies. 


27.11.2021 - AFTERTALK


ACTOR/PERFORMER Preto Amparo DIRECTOR Alexandre de Sena DRAMATURGY Alexandre de Sena and Preto Amparo DRAMATURGICAL ADVISORY Aline Vila Real BODY PREPARATION Wallison Culu/Fusion Urban Dances Company (Cia Fusion de Danças Urbanas) SOUND DESIGN Alexandre de Sena and Preto Amparo SOUND DESIGN ADVISORY Barulhista ILLUSTRATION Cata Preta PHOTOGRAPHY AND VIDEO RECORDING Pablo Bernardo PRESS OFFICE Alessandra Brito PRODUCTION Grazi Medrado