
Koen Augustijnen & Rosalba Torres Guerrero & Xanthoula Dakovanou / Siamese Cie
Fri 28.01.2022 and Sat 29.01.2022
  • 28.01.2022
    20:30 - 22:00
    KVS, Brussels
    Past event
  • 29.01.2022
    20:30 - 22:00
    KVS, Brussels
    Past event

After the success of Badke, a creation about the popular Middle Eastern dance ‘dabke’, Rosalba Torres Guerrero and Koen Augustijnen bring together nine dancers around the ‘miroloï’, traditional Greek mourning songs performed by women during funerals and celebrations in the region, accompanied by musicians from Epirus. 

Lamenta will focus on the different emotional states which we experience when we grief our losses. In all cultures, rituals of mourning used to exist in which song and dance were used to express these emotions. We need to perform these emotions and share them collectively in order to let them go. In our contemporary society a lot of these rituals have been lost, but they still survive in specific regions and cultures, such as Epirus in the North of Greece.

Main source of inspiration for Lamenta, are the miroloi from Epirus, Greek songs of mourning that are not only used at funerals but also when somebody leaves the family to marry or to migrate. Augustijnen and Guerrero haven been travelling and working in Greece since several years where they discovered these powerful rituals.

In Epirus they met talented musicians such as Xanthoula Dakovanou, the artistic director of the Kerasovo festival and the reputed clarinet player Nikos Fillipides, who keep the tradition of the miroloi alive. Together with them they made new recordings of the Greek laments, which will be the emotional backbone of the performance. The musical dramaturgy will start with rendering the miroloi in their original form while allowing other influences to come in, re-actualizing them for the present.

Torres Guerrero and Augustijnen bring together a group of nine contemporary, Greek dancers, all highly skilled in a diversity of dance techniques. Together they will explore how the energetic - both earthy and transcendental - qualities of the Greek music and dances can unfold and nourish a contemporary creation. With the commitment to create a rite for today that frees oneself of the feelings of pain and loss to be able to continue life in a positive way.


CONCEPT & CHOREOGRAFIE / CONCEPT ET CHORÉGRAPHIE / CONCEPT AND CHOREOGRAPHY Koen Augustijnen & Rosalba Torres Guerrero IN SAMENWERKING MET DE DANSERS / EN COLLABORATION AVEC LES DANSEURS/DANSEUSES / IN COLLABORATION WITH THE DANCERS Lamprini Gkolia, Christiana Kosiari, Konstantinos Chairetis, Petrina Giannakou, Dafni Stathatou, Athina Kyrousi, Taxiarchis Vasilakos, Alexandros Stavropoulos & Spyridon ‘Stak’ Christakis MUZIKALE LEIDING / DIRECTION ARTISTIQUE MUSICALE / MUSICAL ARTISTIC DIRECTION Xanthoula Dakovanou MUZIKANTEN / MUSIQUE / MUSIC FEATURING Guests Magic Malik (fluit, stem / flute, voice) & Nikos Filippidis (klarinet / clarinet) MET GASTMUZIKANTEN / AVEC MUSICIENS / WITH MUSICIANS Kleon Andoniou (electrische gitaar, stem / guitarre électrique; chant / electric guitar, voice ), Solis Barkis (percussie / percussions), Dimitris Brendas (klarinet, kaval / clarinet, kaval), Xanthoula Dakovanou (stem / chant / voice), Lefkothea Filippidi (stem / chant / voice), Kostas Filippidis (luit / lute / luth), Stefanos Filos (viool / violon / violin), Avgerini Gatsi (stem / chant / voice), Panagiotis Katsikiotis (drums), Dimitris Katsoulis (viool / violon / violin), Ourania Lampropoulou (santouri), Antonis Maratos (basgitaar, contrabass / electric bass, contrebass), Alexandros Rizopoulos (percussie, stem / percussions, chants / percussions, voice) & Thanassis Tzinas (stem / chant / voice) Opnames in Studio Syn ENA - Athene door Giorgos Korres Mixing door Giorgos Dakovanos behalve (10) mixing door Yannis Tavoularis Mastering door Yannis Christodoulatos, Sweetspot Studios, Athene Muzikale productie MOUSA, Athene Opnames en mixing in DGP Studio - Oostende by Sam Serruys SOUNDSCAPE / ENVIRONNEMENT SONORE Sam Serruys DRAMATURGIE / DRAMATURGY Georgina Kakoudaki & Guy Cools KOSTUUMONTWERP / COSTUMES / COSTUME DESIGN Peggy Housset LICHTONTWERP / LUMIÈRE / LIGHT DESIGN Begoña Garcia Navas TECHNISCHE LEIDING (LICHT – KLANK) / RÉGIE ET GESTION TECHNIQUE / LIGHT/SOUND HANDLING AND TECHNICAL DIRECTION Michel Delvigne ZAKELIJKE LEIDING / ADMINISTRATEUR / ADMINISTRATOR Herwig Onghena ADMINISTRATIE, PRODUCTIE & TOUR MANAGEMENT / PRODUCTION & GESTION TOURNÉE / ADMINISTRATION, PRODUCTION & TOUR MANAGEMENT Nicole Petit SPREIDING / DISTRIBUTION ART HAPPENS – Sarah De Ganck PRODUCTIE / PRODUCTION Siamese Cie - Koen Augustijnen & Rosalba Torres Guerrero COPRODUCTIE / COPRODUCTION Athens and Epidaurus Festival, Festival d’Avignon, La Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand scène nationale, Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg, La Villette Paris, Charleroi Danse, Arsenal Cité musicale-Metz, Le Manège Maubeuge, Théâtre Paul Eluard (TPE), Bezons, scène conventionnée d’intérêt national/art et création - danse, Le Maillon Straßbourg, PÔLE-SUD, Centre de Développement Chorégraphique National Straßbourg, Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen, MARS Mons Arts de la Scène & Duncan Dance Research Center Athens. Siamese Cie wordt gesteund door Belgian Tax Shelter, de Stad Gent en DRAC Auvergne-Rhône Alpes (F)