Une cérémonie

Raoul Collectif
Fri 01.03.2024 and Sat 02.03.2024
  • 01.03.2024
    20:30 - 22:00
    KVS, Brussels
    Past event
  • 02.03.2024
    20:30 - 22:00
    KVS, Brussels
    Past event

The readiness is all

A group meets up because they have something to celebrate. The stakes seem high. They hesitate: which clothes should they wear, how fancy should they dress? What should be the first word, what gesture will they start with? Just when they have dressed up for the occasion and are happy to be together, uncertainties rear their heads. The atmosphere changes in an instant.

The feeling they want to evoke seems fragile and hard to grasp. So the group sets out in search. They sing and drink incessantly in honour of what still connects them, to the life one must cling onto at all costs. To the awakening of an era. Words are found and overlap as if they want to reveal the goal of the ceremony. Is it a tragedy they collectively want to escape from? Bit by bit, the irrational seeps through and the situation cascades further. The music takes leaps and sidesteps. The ceremony gets out of hand. Mythical figures from a long-gone past appear and take a seat, dreamy places and worlds appear, beings are reincarnated.

New signals, new questions – “how do we handle this?!” – arise ...


Raoul Collectif celebrates its 15th anniversary with you and us! KVS welcomes their latest creation Une cérémonie, while you can rediscover their first two creations Le signal du promeneur and Rumeur et petit jours at our neighbours Théâtre National. There’s a whole bunch of other festivities in the pipeline, so keep an eye on our website for more details.


CONCEPT, REGIE & TEKST / CONCEPT, MISE EN SCÈNE & ÉCRITURE / CONCEPT, DIRECTION & WRITING Le Raoul collectif (Romain David, Jérôme de Falloise, David Murgia, Benoît Piret et Jean-Baptiste Szézot) SPEL / JEU / PERFORMANCE Romain David, Jérôme de Falloise, David Murgia/Yaël Steinmann, Benoît Piret & Jean-Baptiste Szézot, Philippe Orivel/Leila Chaarani, Julien Courroye, Clément Demaria & Anne-Marie Loop TECHNISCHE LEIDING & ARRANGEMENTEN / DIRECTION TECHNIQUE & ARRANGEMENTS / TECHNICAL DIRECTION & ARRANGEMENTS Philippe Orivel MUZIKALE BEGELEIDING / COACHING MUSICAL / MUZIKALE COACHING Laurent Blondiau GELUIDSONTWERP / CRÉATION SONORE / SOUND DESIGN Julien Courroye ALGEMENE REGIE / RÉGIE GÉNÉRALE / GENERAL DIRECTION Benoît Pelé GELUIDSREGIE / RÉGIE SON / SOUND ENGINEER Benoît Pelé, Célia Naver TONEELMEESTER / RÉGISSEUR / STAGE MANAGER Clément Demaria LICHTREGIE / RÉGIE LUMIÈRES / LIGHT DIRECTION Nicolas Marty, Julien Vernay REGIE-ASSISTENT/ ASSISTANT·E À LA MISE EN SCÈNE / ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR Yaël Steinmann secondée par Rita Belova ARTISTIEKE BLIK & AANWEZIGHEID / REGARD & PRÉSENCE ARTISTQUE / ARTISTIC EYES & PRESENCE Anne-Marie Loop STAGE REGIE / STAGE MISE EN SCÈNE / DIRECTION INTERN Lorena Spindler SCENOGRAFIE / SCÉNOGRAPHIE / SCENOGRAPHY Juul Dekker KOSTUUMS & MASKERS / COSTUMES & MASQUES / COSTUMES & MASKS Natacha Belova assistée par Camille Burckel de Tell MET DANK AAN / REMERCIEMENTS À / THANKS TO la famille Anagoko d’Abomey PRODUCTIE, ADMINISTRATIE, SPREIDING / PRODUCTION, ADMINISTRATION, DIFFUSION / PRODUCTION, ADMINISTRATION, DISTRIBUTION Catherine Hance, Aurélie Curti & Laetitia Noldé PRODUCTIE / PRODUCTION Raoul collectif asbl COPRODUCTIE / COPRODUCTION Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, Théâtre de Namur, Mars – Mons Arts de la Scène, Théâtre Jean Vilar de Vitry-sur-Seine, Maison de la Culture de Tournai/Maison de Création, Théâtre Sorano, Théâtre de la Bastille, CDN Orléans / Centre-Val de Loire, La Coop asbl / Shelter Prod MET DE STEUN VAN / AVEC LE SOUTIEN DE / WITH THE SUPPORT OF Conseil départemental du Val-de-Marne, taxshelter.be, ING & tax-shelter du Gouvernement fédéral belge, de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles Service du Théâtre (CAPT) MET DE STEUN VAN / AVEC LE SOUTIEN DE / WITH THE SUPPORT OF Festival de Liège, Wirikuta asbl