Launch of the Caroline Pauwels scholarship for imagination

On the last day of Theater aan Zee (TAZ) the Caroline Pauwels sholarship for imagination was presented. 

Caroline Pauwels was the curator of TAZ#2021 and wrote the booklet Ode aan de Verwondering (Ode to Wonder) as part of the Karakter-series. On August 5, 2022, the woman who taught us what wonder was with her infectious energy passed away. TAZ wishes to keep the memory and, above all, the legacy of Caroline alive through an annual initiative.

Specifically, we are launching a development grant for a project or performance by artist(s) and scientist(s) that bridges the gap between science and the performing arts (i.e., theater, dance, opera, music, circus, etc.) with a socially relevant theme. The goal is to create a project that can be presented in an accessible way to a broad audience. The first award is scheduled for the final day of TAZ#2025, August 9.

The grant is a collaboration between TAZ, KVS, and deAuteurs.