31.03.2023 - 01.04.2023
Mount Average
Julian Hetzel / CAMPO

Mount Average

Julian Hetzel / CAMPO
Fri 31.03.2023 - Sat 01.04.2023

Welcome to Mount Average. In this performative tour, Julian Hetzel takes us on a factory visit that confronts us with our own ideologies. The theatre creator grinds statues of rulers, dictators and tyrants into pulp in order to give them a new, meaningful purpose. 

Mount Average questions acquired rights, traditions, privileges and wealth, ideologies and totalitarian ideas – aspects present in every (post-colonial) society. In this industrial environment, the clash between a static past and a fluid present creates a productive form of friction that stirs up the dust. With KVS face Pitcho Womba Konga.

Julian Hetzel’s performances are attempts to unravel the world, while also trying to offer strategies for transforming it. His work gives us speculative methods that teach us to deal with both the traumas of the past and the challenges of the present. The future is in our hands. 


Mount Average is a performative track, where 4 people can enter every time slot (each 10 minutes apart). The performance is mainly spoken in English and Dutch. On Saturday 1 April between 5 & 7 pm you have the opportunity to see the French performance.


CONCEPT Julian Hetzel MET / AVEC / WITH Kristien De Proost/Lisi Estaras, Pitcho Womba Konga & Jana De Kockere/Simon Baetens DRAMATURGIE / DRAMATURGY Miguel Angel Melgares ARTISTIEK ADVIES / CONSEIL ARTISTIQUE / ARTISTIC ADVICE Sodja Lotker PRODUCTIELEIDING, DECOR / DIRECTEUR DE PRODUCTION, DÉCOR / PRODUCTION MANAGER, SET Wim Clapdorp PRODUCTIE ASSISTENTIE / ASSISTANT·E À LA PRODUCTION / PRODUCTION ASSISTENT Valentine Galeyn SCENOGRAFIE ASSISTENT / ASSISTENT·E À LA SCÉNOGRAPHIE / SCENOGRAPHY ASSISTENT Pleun Verhees REALISATIE KOSTUUMS / RÉALISATION COSTUMES / CREATION COSTUMES Andrea Kränzlin TECHNIEK / TECHNIQUE Piet Depoortere, Jonas Lambrigts (Anne Meeussen/Jannes Dierynck) PRODUCTIE / PRODUCTION Ism & Heit Utrecht (NL) I.S.M. Campo Gent (BE) COPRODUCTIE / COPRODUCTION Frascati Producties Amsterdam, Standplaats Utrecht, SPRING Festival Utrecht & Schauspiel Leipzig (DE) MET DE STEUN VAN / AVEC LE SOUTIEN DE / WITH THE SUPPORT OF Fonds Podiumkunsten NL, Fonds 21, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, We Are Public, Kickstart Cultuurfonds, Vlaamse Gemeenschap & Stad Gent