How society dictates how we deal with fear
Thu 24.04.2025 19:00 - 23:00
KVS, Brussels
be patient please
19:00 - 23:00
be patient please

Why are we afraid? Fear is an evolutionary survival mechanism, but today it mostly seems to paralyse us with intense feelings of distrust, uneasiness, and stress. Moreover, a political culture of fearmongering and panic—one that divides people—is increasingly taking up space worldwide.

Where do certain shared fears come from, and how have they shaped our culture? Power dynamics and stigmatizing representations always seem to play a role here. Who is seen as the perpetrator, who as the victim? Who fights, who stays silent? Who wins, and who loses?

When fear is taken for granted, it reinforces a status quo that suggests change is impossible. Yet fear could just as well be a driving force, a signal that we’ve reached a crucial point for action. If fear limits our freedom, and art is an act of freedom, how can we use art to counteract this paralysis?

KVS dramaturge Dina Dooreman invites artists and speakers to a performative reflection program at KVS. Through (artistic) interventions, different fears will be dissected, and ways will be explored to turn them into a unifying counter-reaction. An act of subversion, deconstruction, and activation. Fuck fear!

With, among others: Timo Sterckx (Krapp), Carolina Bianchi, Carolina Mendonça, Pitcho Womba Konga, Rudi Laermans, Michelle Woods, …

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Fear No More will be postponed to a later date.