One crazy show, a lot of merch!

Hannibal, our season opener, will be grand and groundbreaking. A once-in-a-lifetime experience, inspired by the Punic Wars, Henry Purcell's Dido & Aeneas and Michael De Cock's historical novel Hannibal. Because we do not want to let Belgium's very first technopera just pass by, we developed exclusive merch, made by young designer Lukamachain. Discover the designs below and buy your copy in the pop-up store before and after the performances. 


KVS x Lukamachain

Designer Lukamachain created two unique designs for Hannibal. The limited edition hoodie and jean jackets will be available in the pop-up shop at KVS BOL before and after the performances of Hannibal (Sept. 11-14, 2024).

Want to be sure to get your copy? Just reserve it now at info@kvs.be. We'd advise you to be quick! 

Hoodie € 45
Jeans € 60


Pop-up store

During Hannibal's performances at KVS BOL, you'll find our pop-up store next to the box office of KVS BOL (from 7pm until the start of the performance), or in the square behind KVS next to the bar (from the end of the performance until 11pm). 

You will find our hoodies and jackets as well as cool designs of these Hannibal artists: 

Alesandra Seutin

Unique earrings made in Senegal. EUR 20 per pair.


Book Hannibal - Michael De Cock (NL)

The book that was one of the sources of inspiration for the performance. Buy the book (NL version only) for 19,95 EUR. Show your ticket at the shop and get the book for 15 EUR.  

3de eeuw voor Christus. 70.000 manschappen en 40 olifanten trekken vanuit Spanje dwars door Gallië en de Alpen naar Italië. Het leger wordt aangevoerd door Hannibal Barkas. Gedreven door een levenslange haat tegenover Rome en met maar één doel voor ogen: de macht grijpen over het Middellandse Zeegebied.

De geschiedenis van Hannibal en Carthago inspireerde tal van historici. Nooit echter werd het verhaal vanuit het standpunt van Hannibal zelf verteld. In deze roman laat veelvuldig bekroond auteur Michael De Cock de Carthager eindelijk zelf aan het woord. Hannibal is een overrompelend relaas van een epische tocht door Europa en de tijd.


Tsar B Merch

The Games I Played - Vinyl - 20 EUR

Unpaintable - Vinyl - 20 EUR

To the stars - Vinyl - 30 EUR

Star Caps - 18 EUR

Star Shirts - 30 EUR